Jane Morris


Candidate for General Synod

I would like to offer myself to serve the Diocese of London and the wider church in standing for election to General Synod. 

I have experience, grown from serving in a number of contexts, which I believe may be a helpful contribution to the life of the Church of England at the present time. 

I would bring the perspective of leading a lively and diverse local church.  I am also an active member in the wider life of the Deanery of Brent and the Willesden Area.

I have a love for the wider church of Jesus Christ and for the Church of England.  I follow all aspects of the life of the church with interest, and have tracked the proceedings of General Synod for many years.  I have good friends across the church, and love to get to know others and understand their views.  I am somewhat surprised to find myself offering for election to this Synod, but feel I have been led to do so, and would therefore ask that you consider electing me to represent and serve the church in this way? 

I hope this website will be helpful in deciding how to vote in the elections in September and October this year.

Thank you for your consideration.

Jane Morris
Autumn 2010

Proposer:          Revd John Coles
                          Leader of New Wine

Seconder:         Revd Nikki Groarke
                                Vicar of St Stephen’s Canonbury

May I invite you to give me your FIRST PREFERENCE VOTE?

Please feel free to contact me here



*   born in London, went to school in Ealing and worked as Head of Science in secondary schools
*    one of the first group of women ordained to the priesthood
*    involved in leadership and ministry in St Cuthbert’s and St Michael-le-Belfrey, York
*    Chaplain at Queen Margaret’s School, Escrick
*    Associate Vicar at St George’s Leeds
*    Healing Ministry Adviser in the Willesden Area
*    Currently serving on the Leadership Team of New Wine in London and the South East

Jane is currently vicar of St Gabriel's Church, Cricklewood


I have been involved in a wide variety of the whole mission of the church over a number of years, and I am passionate for Christians to live out their faith and point to Christ in both word and action.  I have been part of the ALPHA COURSE for a number of years, and currently help advise churches in developing this course.  I long to see the Church being seen and heard as pointing to Christ and would like to see General Synod encourage and develop this wider outward-looking mission.

  I have been actively involved in the life of the church in a variety of roles and ministries.  I love to see individuals finding God’s call in their lives and growing in lifelong discipleship.  I believe that the wider resources of the church are there to serve, resource and enable this front line ministry.  I have been involved in identifying and training new leaders in the church for many years and would like to see the wider church continuing to grow the next generation.  I would value the opportunity to represent the priority of this local ministry in the wider context of General Synod.

REPRESENTING EVANGELICAL ANGLICANS  I have been wholeheartedly part of the evangelical and charismatic stream of the Church of England for many years,  and I value the treasures of that tradition—a love of the Bible, personal prayer, open to the gifts and fruit of the Spirit, evangelical social justice, care for other Christians and more besides. But I also love and value the life and worship of other traditions within the Church of England, and seek to learn from and be in good relationship with those with differing views.  If elected to General Synod,   I would also be in a position to represent the views of New Wine in this wider context.  Since only 20% of the House of Clergy were women in the last General Synod, I would hope that representing an evangelical standpoint as a woman might offer fresh and helpful perspectives.

WOMEN BISHOPS  I have followed the long journey of women in leadership and ministry at first hand, and am fully supportive of women as bishops on the same basis as men.  Women alongside men in every part of the church bring God-given gifts and perspective that enrich the whole church, and I understand  that this view can be fully in accord with an evangelical perspective of the Bible.  I appreciate the care and work of the Revision Committee, and believe their recommendations involve a significant compromise from all parties and a good basis for going forward.  I am painfully aware of the difficulties for some of my good friends with a more traditionalist view from both an  Evangelical  and a Catholic standpoint, and would seek to listen with care and prayer to see if at all possible, we can go forward in unity in this Synod. 

HUMAN SEXUALITY   I see the area of human sexuality being a critical one in the coming years, and that at the heart of this very human issue is our understanding of the place and authority of the bible in the life of the church.  The church needs to hold to a countercultural view from scripture and tradition in affirming that a lifelong marriage relationship between a man and a woman is the God-given context for sexual relationships.  This perspective is also key to our unity in the context of the global Anglican Communion.  It will be harder to maintain as our society moves away from this view, and we will need wise, compassionate and courageous leadership in the coming years.  At the same time, we need to extend the love of Christ to all people and welcome warmly all who come, irrespective of  their lifestyles. 

PENSIONS AND FINANCE   I am aware of the issues around pension provision for clergy and have followed some of the difficulties in the wider finances of the Church of England.  I am also aware at first hand of the needs and running costs of the local church.  The options ahead of us are all painful, with particular difficulties facing younger clergy.  I would hope to see this Synod having the wisdom and courage to map a clear and consistent way forward, without constant moving of goalposts.

REPRESENTING LONDON AND WILLESDEN  Serving in the heart of north west London is a privilege, with it’s rich diverse population.  Over recent years I have sought to understand this diversity by listening and learning and also through visits to the West Indies and Africa.  It would be good for the experience of this diversity to be represented and heard in the wider forum of General Synod, and for Synod itself to be more representative of the ethnic diversity of the Church of England today.

In her 'spare time', Jane loves to spend time with friends, grows vegetables and fruit on a local allotment and attempts to keep fit at the gym. Jane has travelled widely and has visited the West Indies to live with a local family and has travelled to Uganda and Kenya this Summer to learn more about life in Africa at first hand.  She loves to cook all sorts.   She also has two cats and two chickens! 

Jane writes..
I have a love for the whole church of Jesus Christ, and particularly for the Church of England.  I believe I have a breadth and diversity of experience skills and acquired practical wisdom that I could offer to the wider church.  If elected to this General Synod, I would seek to be a good representative not only of my own tradition, but of the wider life of the Church of England in London, and I would ask that you consider giving me your first preference vote?